Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Happy Wednesday all!

I hope everyone's week is going well and hope work ins't a drag! so I was on Pintrest again *damn you pintrest! you make me want to try every DIY project out there! :P * but seriously tho Pintrest is addicting as well especially when you have a app for it, which is one of the many reasons why i leave my phone charging on my desk instead of charging by me on my bed. ANYWHO! so the other day I saw this

which is a Genius idea!! it's so organized and you can treasure the invitations longer instead them being cooped up and folded and ripped somewhere in a dresser or box. recently I started to write snail mail with friends I have around the world and I know it's a very uncommon thing since there's skype and email and what not I personally believe writing letters are a little more personal it shows you too the time to write and talk about anything with the other person. so with that being said I decided that i don't want the letters my pen pals send me cooped up somewhere I want to preserve them and keep them nice in one piece and show to my kids in the future what their crazy mama did to keep in touch with friends :-D

so basically your gonna need is a thick card paper, a hold puncher, binder rings and whatever decoration of your choosing... i picked puffy stickers and glittery ribbon 

Bam! hahaha I still need to decorate it tho. I hope you like.

Quote of the day:

"I have been at the mercy of men my whole life....Never again."


(i've been watching X-men first class a lot this week lol)

Photo of the day:

Funny Photo of the day:

Song of the day:

"The Blowers Daughter" - Damien Rice

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